Say No to the “Self-Esteem” Pushers
A recent article in USA Today (“Enough Already With Kid Gloves,” June 1) exposes some of the absurdities committed by the self-esteem movement in education, such as the prohibiting of red correction...
View ArticleThe Meaning of New Year’s Resolutions
Alex Epstein of the Ayn Rand Institute has written a great column about the significance of New Year’s resolutions and why so many people find it hard to keep them: Every New Year’s Eve millions of...
View ArticleTo Win Your World, Risk It All
The woman leaned out the window and pointed to the flashing sirens as the firetrucks left the street. “Isn’t this amazing,” she said. “You created all this.” Tony Hsieh was more relieved than amazed....
View ArticleFrom Homelessness to Happiness: The Story of Tom Richardson’s Life-Changing Idea
Walking the streets of downtown Raleigh, Tom Richardson saw a man wearing a black t-shirt with the word “really” displayed in white letters. A few blocks later, a woman wearing a light green t-shirt...
View ArticleReclaiming the “Self” in Self-Esteem
It is old news by now that large numbers of American college students suffer from low self-esteem and major depression. In one survey, 30% of students reported feeling “so depressed that it was...
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